Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Frustrated With Google Pages

What a terrible day! Google Pages is driving me absolutely crazy...I just can't get my website to look right. Nothing looks right. Adsense works on half the pages, text is all screwy, and half my images don't load. That's what I get trying to use software that's still in beta, I suppose...

So after messing with my site for 2 hours, I decided to scrap the whole thing. I'm starting a new one, using XSite Pro. No more messing around with "free" HTML Editors!! I don't have the patience for them!

XSite Pro has been praised for its ease of use, and many people I know love it. So I decided to go ahead and invest in it. I haven't had time to really use it yet, just peeked at the interface and user manual. Hopefully I'll have my site up sometime soon.

On a positive note, I did update My Squidoo Lens again! Added a bit on transcription, with a few links for newbies. If I can't get my website up, at least I have my squidoo lens! In fact, I might just have to head over there now and add some more...

1 comment:

Alice said...

So how did XSite work for you? You site looks nice.

You might be interested in attending PostieCon the conference for bloggers interested in making money with their blogs.